For more than a decade, Soap Central has brought you exclusive photos, one-of-a-kind interviews, and all the behind-the-scenes news from the Daytime Emmys. This year, we are very proud to announce that we'll be adding video to our coverage. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then our videos will tell many tales. See your favorite soap stars as you've never seen them before. Our coverage will be hosted by soapcentral.com's Dan J Kroll and two-time Emmy winner Martha Byrne.
Michael Park Jack Snyder, ATWT |
Kristian Alfonso and Peter Reckell Bo and Hope, DAYS |
Daniel Goddard Cane Ashby, Y&R |
Wally Kurth Justin Kiriakis, DAYS |
Stephen Nichols and Pat Sajak Tucker, Y&R/Patch, DAYS and Wheel of Fortune host |
Scott and Melissa Reeves Steven, GH, and Jennifer, DAYS |
Marcy Rylan Abby Carlton, Y&R |
Heather Tom Katie Logan, B&B |
Jonathan Jackson Lucky Spencer, GH |
Brittany Allen Marissa Tasker, AMC |
Scott Clifton Liam Cooper, B&B |
Laura Wright Carly Jacks, GH |
Maria Arena Bell Executive producer and head writer, Y&R |
Tom Casiello Writer, Y&R |