For more than a decade, Soap Central has brought you exclusive photos, one-of-a-kind interviews, and all the behind-the-scenes news from the Daytime Emmys. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then our videos will tell many, many tales. See your favorite soap stars as you've never seen them before.
Eddie Alderson Matthew Buchanan, OLTL |
Kristen Alderson Starr Manning, OLTL/GH |
Maurice Benard Sonny Corinthos, GH |
Scott Clifton and Kim Matula Liam and Hope, B&B |
Melissa Claire Egan Annie Chandler, AMC |
Jonathan Jackson Lucky Spencer, GH |
Jen Lilley Maxie Jones, GH |
Lisa LoCicero Olivia Falconeri, GH |
Susan Lucci Erica Kane, AMC |
Nathan Parsons Ethan Lovett, GH |
Haley Pullos Molly Lansing Davis, GH |
Suzanne Rogers Maggie Horton, DAYS |
James Scott E.J. DiMera, DAYS |
Melody Thomas Scott E.J. DiMera, DAYS |
Frank Valentini Executive producer, GH and OLTL |
Fashion Review with Chrishell Stause and Dan J Kroll |