A show spokesperson has confirmed to Soap Central that Andrew Ridings (Adam "JR" Chandler, Jr) has been released from All My Children after only a few months with the show. Ridings served in a recurring role capacity and was not under contract to the show.
Fans have been critical of Ridings work as the son of Adam Chandler and the late Dixie Cooney. Ridings became the latest performer to play the role when he joined the cast on October 31st, 2002. He assumed the role from Jonathan Bennett, who vacated the role to pursue other ventures. Before that, Emmy-nominated and fan favorite Jesse McCartney held down the role.
According to a spokesperson for All My Children, the role of JR will not be recast. It is unclear how the dismissal of Ridings will impact the show's planned teen storylines.
Ridings final airdate has not yet been announced.