All My Children is the latest daytime drama to go hi-tech. On September 4th, the ABC soap launched a new video podcast service that will allow fans of the show to go places they've never before been able to go.
"For the first time, fans will have intimate access to exclusive cast and guest star interviews as they are taken behind the scenes," said AMC's executive producer, Julie Hanan Carruthers in a statement. "The video podcast will provide an enhanced fan experience, allowing our loyal viewers to become equally as intimate with the actors as they have already become with the characters they play."
The weekly podcast service will be available as a free download via Apple's iTunes service. The podcast will not feature actual episodes of All My Children; all of the material in the podcast will be behind-the-scenes material and other special features. [Editor's Note: As of post time, the podcast had not yet been posted to the iTunes service]
All My Children is just the latest soap to launch some sort of companion service for its daytime broadcast.
Last month, NBC's Passions became the first soap opera to go pay-per-view on iTunes. Fans of the supernatural slanting soap can play $1.99 to download and view an episode of the series.
The Procter & Gamble-produced series As the World Turns and Guiding Light have been offering fans podcasts of each day's episodes since last year. The audio-only versions of the shows are available for free via iTunes. A spokesperson for the two shows said it is unclear at this time if video podcasts will be offered.
For fans who are not yet users of the iTunes service, the software can be downloaded for free at www.itunes.com.