Another All My Children actor has opted out of the show, but this time the exit was not dictated by storyline or budget cuts. Newcomer Marcus Patrick (Jamal Cudahy) has asked the show to be released from his contact.
Just three months ago (four since he started taping), Patrick assumed the role of a now-grown Jamal Cudahy, the adopted son of Livia Frye and Tom Cudahy. In fact, for a while All My Children's casting department referred to Patrick's role as "Marcus." The decision to bring Jamal back to Pine Valley came with a bit of odd time: Tonya Pinkins (Livia Frye) had just been released from her contract and placed on recurring status.
A source tells Soap Central that Patrick was "completely elated" to have joined the AMC cast and "raced about how the AMC vast and crew were the most enjoyable he has ever worked with."
Now, however, the actor has apparently grown tired of life on the East Coast and his lack of storyline.
"The benefits of leaving outweighed the [benefits of] staying," the insider continues. "So, he will be headed back to California to continue dancing, training his clients and auditioning again."
In addition to his brief stint on All My Children, Patrick has appeared in several feature films, including "Descent" and "Dirty Laundry." His latest flick, "The Inevitable Undoing of Jay Brooks" is currently in post-production. Outside daytime television, the actor has made guest-starring appearances on CSI: Miami, Half & Half and My Wife and Kids.
An All My Children spokesperson declined to comment, stating that it is not network policy to comment on actors' contracts. The show has now apparently decided that Jamal will not be recast.
Patrick last aired on September 25th.