Veteran actor Michael Nouri will join the cast of All My Children next month in a newly created contract role. The actor, known for both television and film work, will play the role of Caleb McGraw. Caleb is slated to be a new love interest for one of the show's most popular characters.
"We look forward to working with Mr. Nouri as he uses his vast experience and talent to bring the unique and complex character of Caleb McGraw to life," All My Children's executive producer, Julie Hanan Carruthers, said in a statement. "It is with great pleasure that we welcome Michael Nouri to the All My Children family."
In addition to being "unique and complex," Caleb is also described as a "mountain man." The character crosses paths with the very un-country Erica Kane when her plane crashes into a mountainside and destroys Caleb's home. Needless to say, Caleb isn't pleased that his remote homestead is leveled. Used to being able to rough it, Caleb continues about his life, leaving Erica -- still wearing her high-heeled shoes -- to fend for herself.
Nouri has more than two dozen feature films under his belt, among them, Flashdance, Finding Forrester, and last year's romantic comedy, The Proposal. This will not be the actor's first daytime role. Nouri appeared as Elliot Hampton on CBS's The Young and the Restless in 1994 and 1995. He also previously appeared on Search For Tomorrow and Somerset in the mid-1970s. Nouri has also been seen in the FX cable series Damages starring Glenn Close.
Nouri debuts on May 24.