Lee Meriwether's contract status has been in question for awhile now. Now it seems as though she's caught in the middle of a nasty battle between agents. One agent says she's leaving AMC, another says she's knows of no such departure from AMC. Just what is going on? It's hard to tell.
Agent Scott Stander claims Lee planned to leave her role of Ruth Martin because AMC refused to give her a raise. But Ruth Webb, who also claims to be Lee's agent alleges that her former employee, Scott Stander stole her files and "lost his mind." Webb claims that when she was in a car accident earlier this year, Stander took over her business, thinking she was going to die. She has since fired Stander and has asked all her clients to get in touch with her.
Through Stander, Lee released a statement that stated ABC decided not to renew her contract do to budgeting. ABC has said that the offer they presented to Lee's agent was turned down and further attempts to negotiate were unsuccessful. ABC offered Lee a recurring role, but her rep turned it down. Lee seems to be an innocent bystander in all of this and fortunately,
AMC must have realized this as well since we have heard that Lee has accepted AMC's offer a recurring role after all!! So we will be seeing Ruth once again on AMC.
Lee had planned on taking some time off from AMC this summer and that's the reason that Ruth is headed to Mexico on for a fellowship program. We have no information on when she'll return to the show.