CBS has launched a new broadband channel that will feature an original web-based reality show revolving around the Emmy-winning daytime drama, As the World Turns. The series, called INTURN, will profile eight young performers who are competing to win a 13-week contract on As the World Turns.
Beginning July 17th, Internet users can watch a new episode of INTURN three days a week for eight weeks. Each of 24 episodes will average about three to five minutes in length. The format of INTURN is similar to many of the popular reality series of the day: Eight participants move into a loft in Brooklyn and undergo a series of challenges, such as screen tests, cold readings and awkward prop challenges. Five of the contestants will eventually be voted out by a group of judges.
The three remaining contestants will be written into As the World Turns as actual characters. Viewers will then have a chance to vote online for their favorite "character." The winner of the vote will win the contest and earn the 13-week contract with the show.
The eight contestants in INTURN are:
Miami-based actor Javier Armenteros, 25; Alex Charak, a student from Roslyn Heights, NY, 18; Recent college grad, Geneva Hyman from Hartsville, SC, 21. Plymouth, MA student Janal Montagna, 19. An actor/model/waiter from Hayama, Japan, Ian Novick, 23; Megan O'Keefe, an actress/bartender from Villa Hills, KY, 21; From Germantown, OH, student Justin Stiver, 20; and an administrative assistant from West Palm Beach, FL, Marjorie Thomas, 24.
INTURN was conceived as a companion program to As the World Turns. Christopher Goutman, the Emmy-winning current executive producer of As the World Turns, also serves as EP for the online series. INTURN is featured on the innertube broadband channel, a network that is available exclusively online. The channel is advertising-supported and available for free to all web surfers.
INTURN is just the latest merging of the soap opera and reality television genres. For the past three years, the SOAPnet cable channel has aired the "I Wanna Be a Soap Star" competition, in which winners have received 13-week contracts with ABC's daytime dramas.