Corday Productions, the company behind NBC's Days of our Lives -- had teamed up with a digital firm to create and distribute original interactive soap operas online. The creation, called Net Soaps/Net Novelas, will allow fans, actors, and advertisers to participate in the development of the show, including story development and even casting.
"This new venture is about taking the passion consumers have for soaps and novelas into a new era," Ken Corday, CEO of Corday Productions, told Variety. "This will be original content that the fans will play a role in green lighting and casting, delivered in a form that can build devoted communities of fans in the digital space."
Corday, whose parents Betty and Ted Corday created Days of our Lives with Irna Phillips in 1965, has been executive producer of Days of our Lives since 1985.
Emmy winner Crystal Chappell (Dani, The Bold and the Beautiful; ex-Carly Manning, DAYS; ex-Olivia Spencer, Guiding Light) has joined the venture, and will produce, direct, and mentor new talent.
Net Soaps will target U.S. audiences, while the Net Novela side will provide multi-lingual programming for Latin America and Brazil.
Net Soaps/Net Novelas is scheduled to launch sometime in late 2014.
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