Storyline may have forced Emma Drake's portrayer, Brooklyn Rae Silzer, to depart General Hospital, but the tiny actress hasn't gone too far from Port Charles. Hot on the heels of her brief return to the ABC soap comes news that the youngster is now the star of a new film called The Storyteller that also stars none other than popular GH veterans Kristina Wagner (Felicia Jones) and Constance Towers (Helena Cassadine).
Wagner, who plays the part of Dr. Gordon in the movie that's being directed by Joe Crump, took to social media with a photo of co-star Silzer on set of the film with the caption: "Ice cream! And a movie star! @storyteller2017 #BrooklynRaeSilzer #GH"
But it turns out Silzer, Wagner, and Towers' faces aren't the only familiar mugs on the set of The Storyteller. Peter Wagner, son of Kristina and Jack Wagner (ex-Frisco Jones), was also seen on the set of the movie that follows an enchanted young girl named Abby (Silzer) whose love brings wonder and healing to a broken family.
The Storyteller is currently filming in Indiana and is scheduled for release sometime in 2017.
Are you excited to hear that Silzer, Wagner, and Towers are filming a movie together? Are you intrigued by the premise of The Storyteller? Share your thoughts in the Comments section below, on our message boards, or by submitting Feedback.