At 10:33am on July 16th, Beth Ehlers (Harley) and her husband, Matt, welcomed the arrival of a 7lb. 15oz. baby boy. The couple has named the baby Will, on July 16th at 10:33am.
The following day, Ehlers' final on-air appearances - at least for now - as Guiding Light's Harley hit the airwaves. The actress finished taping her scenes on June 27th, earlier than the actress has originally expected.
"You take a guess when you'll be ready to take maternity leave," Ehlers said in a statement. "I'm just ready earlier than we expected. Paul [Rauch, GL executive producer] and the cast have been so supportive. I look forward to coming back in September."
In Ehlers' absence, Hayley Sparks will take over on a temporary basis. Sparks began airing on July 18th. Sparks ends her temporary stint on August 3rd.