A spokesperson for One Life to Live has confirmed that actress Christina Chambers has been let go. The actress joined the show just about a year ago in the role of Marty Saybrooke. Chambers was a last-minute addition to the cast, agreeing to sign on after the original Marty, Susan Haskell, was unable to join the show as planned.
"The decision is storyline-dictated," a One Life to Live spokesperson tells Soap Central.
"Christina Chambers' talent and professionalism have been a wonderful asset to One Life to Live," OLTL executive producer Frank Valentini said in a statement. "I thank her for her commitment to the character of Marty Saybrooke and wish her the best of luck as she returns to the West Coast full time."
How do you feel about the dismissal of Christina Chambers from OLTL?
Poll Posted: September 27, 2007
The dismissal of Chambers isn't entirely surprising. The former Sunset Beach actress was not well received by One Life to Live fans -- and unfortunately for the actress it has nothing to do with her talent. A poll conducted by Soap Central last year indicated that nearly 80% of poll respondents would rather have seen the show forgo a Marty storyline than place a new actress in the role. Some online fans expressed their disappointment that Chambers had not been cast as a recast Tea Delgado.
With Chambers' exit comes the expected speculation about the future of Marty in Llanview. A show source tells Soap Central that ABC execs have approached Haskell about returning the show. To date no agreement has been reached.
Haskell appeared on One Life to Live from 1992 to 1997, but made additional appearances in February 2004 and February 2005. In 1994, Haskell was awarded a Daytime Emmy in the Outstanding Supporting Actress category. Haskell was slated to return to One Life to Live last year, but the actress learned that she was pregnant. Haskell is the significant other of All My Children star Thorsten Kaye.
"Christina is one of the kindest, talented, and most beautiful actresses I have ever had the pleasure to work with," said co-star Michael Easton (John McBain) on his official web site. "She deserved better than having to work with the likes of me. I believe I speak for everyone at the studio when I say her presence will be missed."
Chambers' final airdate is December 4th. The actress bowed on One Life to Live on November 10, 2006.