Frances Reid, one of the original cast members of Days of our Lives, portrayed revered matriarch Alice Horton from the program's premiere in November 1965 through her final appearance in December 2007.
An accomplished stage actress, Reid performed on Broadway in Hamlet, Cyrano de Bergerac, and Twelfth Night. She also starred with Robert Young in the television movie Mercy or Murder?
Reid was a native of Wichita Falls, Texas and a graduate of the Pasadena Playhouse.
For more on the life of Frances Reid, please click here.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Wichita Falls, Texas
DATE OF BIRTH: December 9, 1913
HAIR: Grey
News Archive: Loved ones, co-stars offer memories of Reid [Feb 4, 2010]
News Archive: A dozen fan-faves headed back to DAYS for Alice's memorial. [Mar 31, 2010]