Ben Watkins joined the cast of The Young and the Restless as Wesley in July 2002. Born in Los Angeles and raised in San Francisco, California, he attended the University of California at Berkley where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre. In addition to acting, Ben is a writer and producer. He most recently received the "Best Short Film" award at the Miami Film Festival for the HBO telefilm Quest to Ref, which he starred in, wrote and produced.
No stranger to daytime, Ben began his acting career by starring on the daytime drama series One Life to Live. In addition to guest appearances on Guiding Light and Passions, he's appeared in numerous primetime series, such as JAG, Moesha, City Guys, and Malibu, CA. He's also starred in some independent films and done theatre.
When Benjamin is not working, he enjoys spending time with his wife and three boys. He also enjoys playing basketball, football and going to the movies.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Los Angeles, CA (raised in San Francisco, CA)
DATE OF BIRTH: March 19th, 1971
HEIGHT: 6'1"
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Brown