The comic book world continues to infiltrate television, with Marvel's X-Men spinoff series The Gifted set to premiere on Fox next month. And the superhero drama features Passions and The Young and the Restless alum Blair Redford (ex-Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald; ex-Scotty Grainger, respectively) as a mutant named Thunderbird.
From creator Matt Nix, the series follows Reed Strucker (Stephen Moyer), who's in charge of keeping the public safe from mutants. But things change for him and his wife (Amy Acker) when they discover their children are actually mutants, as well. The Struckers end up on the run and soon join up with a mutant resistance movement.
Redford plays John Proudstar, a Native American mutant code-named Thunderbird. His mutant powers have granted him peak physical abilities, including enhanced strength, speed, durability, stamina, and superhuman senses.
Thunderbird is one with the world. ⚡🐦 #TheGifted premieres October 2 on FOX. @TheGiftedonFOX #MutantsUnite pic.twitter.com/MHfU3N2ljH
- Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) August 23, 2017
The Gifted -- which also stars Sean Teale, Jamie Chung, Coby Bell, Emma Dumont, Natalie Alyn Lind, and Percy Hynes White -- premieres Monday, October 2, on Fox.
What do you think about Redford's new role on The Gifted? Do you miss him in the role of Y&R's Scotty? Which superpowers would you love to have? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.