The complete first season of the groundbreaking Internet series Imaginary Bitches is headed to DVD this fall. The series, created by Andrew Miller and starring his Emmy-winning wife Eden Riegel (Bianca Montgomery), takes a look at those inner voices that are inside every one of us telling us things that we may or may not want to hear.
Riegel plays "Eden," a twentysomething so sweet, mannerly and unassertive that she assumes she has no voice and no control over her relationships. In reality, the secret world of her imagination reveals quite a backbone. Her inner voice speaks through two imaginary friends: bitchy Catherine and sex-crazed Heather. Each "friend" offers her opinion about "Eden," her friends, and everyone's business. Those opinions are as on point as they are bitchy.
The series also featured appearances by some of Riegel's former All My Children co-stars, including Connie Fletcher Staton (ex-Erin Lavery), Sam Page (ex-Trey Kenyon), and Elizabeth Hendrickson (ex-Maggie Stone; now Chloe Mitchell, The Young and the Restless), and friend Greg Rikaart (Kevin Fisher, Y&R).
The DVD will be available for order beginning November 3rd. In the meantime, you can continue to watch episodes of Imaginary Bitches or shop for official IB products like tee shirts, mugs, thongs, and ringtones, at www.imaginarybitches.com.