Original All My Children cast member Ray MacDonnell (Joe Martin) will be returning to the show for a special two-day appearance next month. A surprise Martin family event will be taking place -- and it's one that Joe has to be a part of.
MacDonnell retired from AMC at the end of 2009, when ABC moved production of All My Children from New York to Los Angeles. In show storyline, Joe and his wife, Ruth, retired from working at Pine Valley Hospital, and moved to Florida. MacDonnell's exit left Susan Lucci (Erica Kane) as the only remaining original cast member still appearing on AMC.
MacDonnell will not be making the flight back to Pine Valley alone. He'll be joined by actress Lee Meriwether, who will reprise the role of Ruth. Meriwether took over the role of Ruth Martin in 1996 after the retirement of Mary Fickett. Meriwether appeared on AMC last summer for Jake and Amanda's vow renewal ceremony.
MacDonnell and Meriwether will appear on March 8 and 9.