At Ultra Violet, Riley walked away with a bag of coke.
Jen pushed Rex away from Lindsay, warning him to stay away from her mother. Lindsay gave Jen some lame excuse that she and Rex had been kissing because of a bet. Jen scolded Lindsay.
Marcie and Michael talked about his mother. He was grateful she'd found her and taken her to Lanview. Marcie accidentally spilled their drinks. Jen approached Michael when Marcie went to the ladies' room to clean up. Jen started flirting with Michael until Marcie asked to talk to her. The two got in an argument. Marcie believed Jen didn't like when she got attention.
Michael seized the opportunity to get her for Valentine's Day. Marcie ran scared when Michael asked her to spend Valentine's Day with him. She told him it was not him; it was her. He told her to look into his eyes and admit the reason why she'd said no was not because of him. As she stared into his eyes, she remembered Al.
An obviously high Riley talked to Jen. Riley offered to take Jen to London with him, since she was free because Marcie had canceled their winter break trip.
At Dorian's house, Blair tried to recover from a migraine. Nora stopped by and dropped off a videocassette to Starr from Matthew. Inside the case was a set of handcuffs. Nora told Blair she knew of an easier way to put Todd in jail. Starr sneaked out. Blair had a dream that Todd confessed and stopped by the house before going to jail. He kissed her, and she kissed him back. The phone rang. It was Todd calling about Starr.
At Capricorn, R.J. tried to give Evangeline advice about Todd. Todd met Evangeline to go over his case. She told him that Marty was her consultant. His apprehension led Evangeline to the conclusion that Todd was scared to see Marty again. Nora warned R.J. not to mess up his relationship with Evangeline due to his disapproval of her representing Todd.
Nora told Evangeline and Todd that if he pleaded to aggravated indecent assault, he would serve only 18 months. They turned her offer down. R. J. surprised Evangeline with two tickets to the Bahamas. She was taken aback and touched deeply by the sentiment.
At the hotel bar, Roxy told Asa that maybe Bo's best was not good enough, and the next victim of the Music Box Killer wouldn't be so lucky. Nigel tried to comfort Asa, but his efforts were in vain. Asa told Nigel that he'd pulled a few strings, and the Angel Square Hotel would be demolished in a week.
John walked into his apartment but didn't notice Natalie on the bed. When he did, he tried to wake her up. John called the police and EMTs. Natalie regained consciousness, gasping for air. He held and comforted her. Natalie wondered why he hadn't killed her. John found the note left on the bed. The killer wrote that if he'd wanted her dead, she would be dead. He controlled the case -- he controlled John's life.
Natalie thanked John with a kiss on the cheek. After Natalie left, John got a call from the killer. The killer taunted John. He mentioned how John had no control over his life, just as he'd had no control when his fiancée had met her tragic end. John called Natalie and ended their friendship.
In Todd's apartment, Starr had handcuffed herself to the stair rail. She refused to leave until Blair arrived to get her. Blair went over, and Starr tricked her into moving closer. She handcuffed Blair and gave Todd the key. Todd went over to unlock her but instead handcuffed himself and threw away the key. He told her they needed to talk.
Nora knocked on the door, and Blair called out. Nora got them unlocked. Starr was not happy. Nora told Todd to take the deal.
In John's apartment, Antonio and John tried to figure out why the killer was fixated on John. Jessica stopped by with paperwork she had to complete for Stephen. John took a fascinated look. John made a remark that some of the data had information reflective of Stephen's life. John received a call from the killer. John tried to extract information from him.
Stephen told Rae he didn't think the police would ever find the Music Box Killer. Stephen suggested to Rae that maybe the killer had meant to leave Flash alive. He thought he had a realistic profile of the killer. He thought the killer killed just out of curiosity. He showed her a copy of his new book titled The Thing He Loves. He told her the title was from one of his favorite poems by Oscar Wilde.
Lindsay and Daniel ran into David, who insulted Lindsay's taste in men. Dorian called David on his cell phone. She updated him on her search for Adriana in Puerto Rico. She told him it was as if she'd vanished into thin air. David told her he would go check in on Paul to see what he was up to. Kevin and Kelly walked in, and David couldn't help but congratulate them on their baby. He shouted across to room to Kevin that he hoped fatherhood would stop him from chasing after his wife's relations.
Daniel almost took a drink. He changed his mind. Lindsay went to stop him, but he had a club soda. She told him she liked his company and friendship.
Kevin apologized to Kelly for doubting her pregnancy. Kevin suggested an impromptu vacation, just the "three" of them. Kelly accepted.
River sneaked Adriana into Dorian's house. He told her no one would find her in one of the guest bedrooms. Paul overheard and asked, "Are you sure about that?" Paul offered his hotel room for Adriana to hide out. River hesitantly accepted. As they headed out the door, David was in front of them. David told Paul to leave, but he, Adriana, and River were going to wait for Dorian.
River tried to fight David, but Adriana intervened. David told them that Adriana could stay at the house, and Dorian wouldn't mind. Blair heard that and was annoyed that David thought he lived there. Dorian walked in and saw Adriana. She hugged her and told her of course she could stay at the house. Dorian told River and Adriana that she was Adriana's biological mother.
At the airport, Riley and Jen got ready for London. Security asked him to step aside for a random bag search. They found a vial of cocaine. Riley was arrested for possession of a narcotic. Jen asked the guards to give him a phone call. He called his father. Blair greeted Dorian. Blair revealed she had lost custody of Starr to Viki.
In the courtroom, the judge took Starr away from Blair and placed her temporarily with Viki. She gave Blair scheduled supervised visit with Starr. Starr said goodbye to Todd and told Blair she hated her.
At the courthouse, Daniel got the judge to drop the charges against Riley. Lindsay asked Riley to keep Jen out of his kind of trouble. Jen told Lindsay that she wanted to go to London with Riley to see Joe. They bickered about her state of mind since her divorce from Joe. Jen dropped the bomb that at least she was not sleeping with Daniel and Rex. Lindsay reminded her that what she had seen at Ultra Violet had been a misunderstanding. Jen didn't buy it. Daniel left then Lindsay. Riley asked Jen if she ever thought that her mother being with Rex bothered her more than she would admit.
Viki tried to have a talk with Starr, who was not interested. She left to get something to drink. Todd burst in, and an unhappy Viki told him to leave. Viki expressed her concern to Todd that he felt guilty. She asked him if he'd raped Blair. He told her he and Blair had been in union that night. Starr rushed in when she saw him. Viki pleaded with him to leave.
Before Todd exited, Dorian barged in to find them all. Todd told Dorian that it was all her fault, and she should get Blair to change her mind and tell the truth. Todd finally left, and Viki and Dorian had words. Viki told Dorian she would take care of Starr. Dorian was not convinced, since Viki's entire family was in disgrace. Todd returned, but Viki stopped him from seeing Starr. He admitted he still loved Blair and missed his children.
Blair went over to Llanfair with Jack so he could visit with Starr. Starr did not seem pleased Mommy was there but enjoyed her time with Jack. Later, Blair received a phone call. It was her mother, Addie. Addie had found out through a news report about the rape case and had suffered a setback. Blair told Starr it was her grandmother but not to worry because Addie would be fine. She left Jack with Viki.
Al and Luna were talking. She told him that on Valentine's Day, when his deadline was, if it worked out and Marcie fell in love with him, he would lose all of his "Al" memories and would only have Michael's. Al, seeming very distressed, protested to Luna, saying he wanted to go "up" and talk with someone else about it. Finally giving in, Luna said okay but warned him that while they were gone, Michael McBain would be out. Al just wanted to go, so he beamed up, and a disoriented-looking Michael left the airport.
Meanwhile, back at Llanfair, Starr called her father, telling him something was wrong with Addie and that Blair wouldn't tell her what it was. Todd said he would go check on Addie and call Starr later.
Blair arrived to see Addie. She seemed very distraught. When Blair talked to her, Addie talked a little, saying Todd loved her and would never hurt her then she began crying about how bad a word rape was. She started screaming, and Blair went to get a nurse. A second later, Todd showed up. Addie looked pleased to see Todd. She said the word "rape," and Todd told her to talk about happy things. She talked about her slippers and how warm they kept her feet.
Todd and Addie chatted about little things, but Addie seemed calmer. Blair was listening at the door. Addie again said how Todd would never hurt Blair. She said Todd had to love her. He went on and on about how much he loved his children and Blair, he continued to go on about just how truly much he loved Blair, but of course she did not hear that. She had already walked away.
Riley's dad was grilling Jen about how it was her fault she'd gotten Riley into trouble. Just then, Marcie showed up, and he took off. They sat down and had a drink. Marcie told Jen she needed to back off people and stay away from other people's boyfriends. Jen took it as if she was talking about herself and "Michael." Marcie said no; she was talking about how poor Flash was in the hospital, and she was toying with Riley.
Marcie then excused herself to the bathroom. A minute later, "Michael" showed up looking very confused. Jen saw him and asked what he was doing there. He said he thought he had a date with Marcie. Jen lied and said Marcie had already left.
At home, Dorian saw River and Adriana. With David by her side Dorian, lying through her teeth as usual, told Adriana that she was her biological daughter. She added that because of that, since she had never married, she might be entitled to Aunt Betsy's fortune. Dorian then told River that maybe he should go to his father's for a few days, just until Adriana had time to deal with it. River, with his back turned to Dorian, told Adriana he thought he should leave as well. He kissed her and gave her a funny look.
Later, Carlotta arrived to see her godchild. Dorian opened the door and asked Carlotta if she was still okay with it. Carlotta reluctantly went along and confirmed that Dorian was Adriana's biological mother.
River went to see Paul and told him it all finally made sense why Paul was so helpful; he wanted them to marry so he could get his piece of Aunt Betsy's pie. He admitted that was true but did tell River he cared about him and knew how much Adriana and he were in love. Just then, Adriana showed up. Paul told them to hurry -- they had a plane to catch. Adriana just told River how happy she was, and all she cared about was being his wife. The three then departed for the plane.
Meanwhile, back in Heaven, Al met with his future daughter Gabrielle. She told him if she was ever to be born, he needed to stop being so stubborn and basically told him to deal with losing the memories of his life as Al. Al seemed to have cooled down a lot; Luna then arrived for him. He said he needed to get back to Michael's body and soon -- he thought something was awry.
Back at the bar, Marcie walked out of the restroom and looked at where she and Jen had been sitting. She noticed that Jen was gone. She took a look around, and lo and behold, there in a booth in the back were Jen and Michael kissing.
Al was distraught when Marcie started to cry after seeing Michael and Jen kissing. Jen tried to tell Marcie that she'd kissed him to prove what kind of guy he was, but Marcie refused to accept it. When Al took over Michael's body again, Marcie slapped him and insisted that he stay away from her.
Upon hearing a noise outside Llanfair, Jessica and Natalie caught Starr hiding on the terrace. When questioned, she stated that if she could catch the Music Box Killer, she'd get off probation. When Starr got angry, Natalie tried to comfort the girl.
Viki shared her concerns for Natalie with Roxy. When Roxy insisted that Natalie stay with her, Viki countered that she was safer at Llanfair. To keep Natalie safe, Roxy bought her a gun, but Natalie refused to carry it. When John took Natalie home, they found pictures of John in the house and realized the killer had been there.
Antonio and John continued to search for clues to the killer's identity. Following a lead, Antonio headed to Chicago.
When Blair found Todd in Addie's room, she asked him to plead guilty for the sake of their family. Meeting with Evangeline, he told her he was going to take the plea bargain. Still not convinced that he was guilty, Evangeline told him to give it more consideration before she went to Nora. At Llanfair, Todd told Starr he was going to plead guilty.
After having sex, Dorian informed David that it would never happen again. When they argued, David stormed out and found Blair unconscious in the foyer. When she awoke, she told Dorian that she was considering dropping the charges against Todd.
Marcie told Jen that she wanted to move out. When he saw how upset Marcie was, Al convinced Luna to let Marcie see him. He insisted that she give Michael another chance. When he returned to Michael's body, Al apologized to Marcie.
Rex and Lindsay had sex again. When Jen showed up, Rex comforted her. The phone rang, and Rex insisted that the machine pick it up. The mood was ruined when Lindsay told the machine that she was wanting Rex.
Kevin and Kelly canceled their plans in Bermuda when Kelly started feeling ill and was placed on bed rest. Blair went to a bar to drink her troubles away, but her head started hurting her again. She left despite the bartender's insistence that she call a cab. When she had an accident, she called Kevin for help.
Starr told Viki that Todd was going to plead guilty. While Viki asked Starr to forgive Blair, Dorian showed up looking for Blair. Todd talked to Viki about his decision, but she attempted to change his mind. When the killer broke into Natalie's house, Viki insisted an alarm system be put in the house. Later, John got a call from the killer, insisting that he never see Natalie again.