Chanel and Johnny receive devastating news

Days of our Lives Recap for Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

At Marlena and John's place, Marlena joined Brady as he waited for Tate to wake up. Brady believed Tate had been holed up in his room to avoid punishment. When Marlena made a comment about Theresa "dragging" Holly home, Brady reiterated that while he didn't agree with Theresa's approach, he and Theresa were "of one mind" when it came to Tate and Holly. Marlena responded with a "hmm," which prompted Brady to ask her what she really thought. Marlena suggested Brady's reaction had less to do with Tate and more to do with Brady's feelings about Tate's mother.

Brady insisted he and Theresa had agreed to be stable co-parents for Tate. He admitted to Marlena that he'd had "a moment" with Theresa, but she had ultimately chosen Alex. Marlena asked Brady what he wanted. Brady said what he wanted didn't matter, and Marlena assured him that his feelings always mattered. Brady thanked Marlena for her support but needed to change the subject.

Marlena backed off and reminded Brady that she was there for him whenever he needed her. Brady thanked her again, and Marlena left for work.

At Xander and Sarah's apartment, the couple snuggled on the couch. They briefly discussed Maggie's ordeal with "that miserable cretin" Konstantin, then turned to happier talk with their impending nuptials. They kissed and looked forward to the event as a positive moment for the family. Sarah said she was going over to Maggie's to prepare wedding invitations, which reminded Xander of the conversation he'd had with Maggie. He confided to Sarah that Maggie believed Victor had been "so hard" on Xander because he had seen so much of himself in Xander.

Sarah took Xander's hand and reassured him that Victor had loved him. "Way deep down," Xander mused. Sarah reminded Xander of the time Victor had made him CEO of Titan. "Only to replace me with Phillip," Xander retorted. Xander theorized that Victor had only used him to do the "dirty work" Victor didn't want to admit he was capable of doing, including taking Kristen's baby and passing her off as Sarah's child.

Xander expressed deep regret for his actions during the baby switch, and Sarah likewise regretted keeping the truth about Victoria from Xander initially. Sarah insisted Xander and Victor's relationship had evolved for the better. Xander wondered why, if Victor had cared for him, he hadn't included Xander in his will. Sarah clarified that Victor had snubbed most of the family, and Victor had only left Alex in the will to make amends for denying Alex as a son.

Sarah hoped that she and Victoria had helped fill the void for Xander. He kissed her and confirmed that she and Victoria were all he needed. Sarah hesitantly raised the subject of inviting Xander's mother to the wedding. Sarah didn't want Xander to have the same regrets about "mending fences" with his mother that he'd had with Victor. Xander thought it over then said there might be another way to reach his mother.

Later, Xander ended a call with someone and promised the person a forthcoming invitation in the mail. When he hung up, Xander told Sarah he'd talked with his aunt. Xander's mother had apparently contacted her sister to ask for money just a few months prior. While Xander's aunt didn't have a phone number, she was able to give Xander an address for his mother.

After Sarah had left, Xander smiled and talked to Victoria over her crib. He informed his daughter that she might soon be meeting her "Grandma Cook." Noting the little girl's seeming excitement, he sighed and said, "That makes one of us."

At the Kiriakis mansion, Bonnie asked Theresa how chaperoning the prom had gone. Theresa began ranting about catching Tate in a hotel room with "that neurotic little liar" Holly. Bonnie surmised that things hadn't gone well for anyone the previous night. Just then, Alex entered and kissed Theresa. She extended her hand with the engagement ring on it, and Alex corrected that one thing had gone "very right." Bonnie commented on the "huge rock," but otherwise held back her disapproval as the couple explained they had gotten engaged the night before.

Theresa excused herself, and Bonnie asked Alex if he had told his father the news. Alex looked back at Victor's portrait and confirmed that they'd had a "talk." Bonnie clarified that she meant Justin. Alex believed Justin wouldn't be receptive to the news, and he updated Bonnie on his fight with Justin about Theresa. Bonnie echoed Justin's concerns that Theresa was manipulating Alex and that she still had a strong connection with Brady.

Alex defended Theresa and dismissed her dalliance with Brady as an attempt to make him jealous. He reiterated that he was "a big boy" who didn't need Justin's protection. Bonnie reminded Alex that he had once been Justin's "little boy," and Justin still had immense love in his heart for Alex. She challenged Alex to admit that he could do better than Theresa, just as Theresa re-entered the room.

Bonnie tried to smooth things over by complimenting Theresa on how good she looked. "Have I told you how embarrassed you look right now?" Theresa shot back. She blasted Bonnie for "trash-talking" her behind her back, but Bonnie insisted that she and Justin were being protective of Alex. Bonnie awkwardly tried to change the subject by mentioning that wedding bells were in the air for Sarah and Xander, too. Theresa made a snide remark about Xander's side of the aisle being "light" on guests.

Bonnie mentioned that Sarah wanted to invite Xander's mother to the wedding, Theresa looked alarmed at the prospect. Bonnie explained that Sarah had wanted Victoria to meet her grandmother and had wanted to give Xander an opportunity to make amends with his mother. Theresa had heard the woman was "a raging alcoholic" and feigned concern about Victoria being around "someone like that." With a pointed look at Theresa, Bonnie suggested, "Maybe she's changed, like you."

Theresa then brought up the possibility of Xander's mother causing a scene at the wedding. Bonnie joked that their family was used to "big scenes," especially at weddings. Alex asked Theresa why she seemed so preoccupied with Xander's mother. Theresa attributed her concern to what had just happened with Konstantin and warned about the dangers of inviting "long-lost friends and family" into their home. Alex and Bonnie seemed to accept the explanation, and Alex lightly said that he'd already found his "long-lost relative."

Bonnie departed the room, and Alex kissed Theresa and also left. When alone, Theresa stared pensively at Victor's portrait. Later, Theresa was sitting in the living room and sipping coffee when Sarah arrived. Bonnie warmly greeted Sarah, and the two sat down across from Theresa to work on the wedding invitations. Sarah enthusiastically told Bonnie that they'd need one more invitation...for Xander's mother. Theresa choked on her coffee at the news.

At the Basic Black offices, Brady thought about his night with Theresa. Alex interrupted Brady's reverie, and they briefly discussed the events at the prom. Brady wondered why Theresa hadn't gotten back in touch with him. Alex said her lack of contact was Alex's fault. He smiled and announced his and Theresa's engagement to a shocked and perturbed Brady.

At Paulina's apartment, Chanel winced and cried out as she clutched her stomach. An alarmed Paulina and Johnny asked if she was okay. Chanel started to answer but doubled over in pain. She sat down and tried to brush off the pain as cramps.

Paulina suggested Chanel needed something to eat and made a move toward the kitchen. Chanel suddenly screamed in pain again, and Johnny insisted she go to the hospital with him.

At the hospital, Mark approached an upset Leo, who was still reeling from his confrontation with Diana. When Mark put a hand on Leo's shoulder, Leo flashed back to seeing Mark shirtless in Horton Town Square. Leo explained that he had been visiting with his mother, who was in prison. Mark said he was sorry, but Leo clarified that he and his mother didn't have the best relationship. Leo had wanted to have a "cathartic" moment of vindication with her, but she had managed to make him feel "utterly worthless and miserable."

Mark hugged an emotional Leo, who apologized for "slobbering" all over him. Mark smiled and said he'd been told he had a good bedside manner, and Leo realized that Mark was a doctor. The two introduced themselves to each other and joked about Mark's name being the same as a TV doctor. Leo said he'd dated a doctor once, who was older and married to a woman. He apologized for giving "TMI" and also let Mark know that he wouldn't be coming on to him anymore, since Mark had confirmed he wasn't gay.

Mark demurred, "Did I say that?" An intrigued Leo asked if Mark's claim hadn't been true. He pondered if Mark might be bi or if he had experienced "a crazy night in college." Before Mark could answer, Johnny and Paulina rushed in with Chanel. They frantically updated Mark on Chanel's symptoms, and Mark hurried them back to an examination room.

Leo sat back down but jumped up when he saw Marlena approach. Leo rambled about respecting Marlena's boundaries and waiting for the next day's appointment. He said he could "white-knuckle" it until then but gave Marlena a hopeful look. Marlena relented and said she could see Leo for a few minutes. He excitedly followed her to the office.

In Marlena's office, Leo sniffled while he brought Marlena up to speed on his visit with his mother, which he summarized as a "disaster, a calamity, and a Dumpster fire all rolled into one." Leo was confused when Marlena expressed concern about his visit, as he'd believed she had encouraged him to see his mother. Marlena clarified that she had intended to work on Leo's issues in therapy. She listened while Leo listed all the insults his mother had hurled at him. He confided how he'd secretly hoped his mother would have an epiphany, take him in her arms, and deem him "the greatest gift" she'd ever gotten.

Marlena insisted that the cruel things Diana had said to Leo weren't true. "Then why does it feel like they are?" Leo asked. Marlena talked about how children were dependent on their parents when they were small and believed everything the parents said. But Leo had grown up, and his mother didn't have that kind of power over him anymore. Marlena encouraged Leo to love and be proud of himself. Leo smiled and agreed that he was his own man.

Leo mentioned that there was a "hunky doctor" who believed Leo was worth talking to, and a curious Marlena asked who Leo meant. Leo happily rambled about meeting a hot doctor in the square and getting comfort from the same man just prior to Leo's meeting with Marlena. Leo told Marlena about Mark's assertion, then seeming walk-back, regarding his sexuality and asked Marlena if she thought the doctor might really be gay. Marlena hadn't personally met Mark and refused to speculate about him. She cautioned Leo not to get ahead of himself, as he had just met the man.

Leo was touched at Marlena's concern he'd be hurt. He was disappointed that he and Marlena had to end the session but promised to talk more about his quest to see himself as "a worthwhile person" during their next session. Marlena commended Leo for his determination to learn more about himself and assured Leo he was "worthwhile."

In the exam room, Chanel grimaced and explained that the pain was intermittent. Mark asked Paulina to wait outside, and she relented after Johnny promised he would stay by Chanel's side. Once Paulina left, Chanel confessed she was "really scared" that something was seriously wrong. She continued to moan in pain as Johnny looked on with concern. While Mark examined Chanel, Johnny comforted her and gave her Felicia's toy cat to hold.

Mark suddenly stopped the examination and looked with sadness at the ultrasound. When Johnny and Chanel asked what was wrong, Mark gave his condolences and informed the couple that Chanel had suffered a miscarriage. An upset Chanel asked if the flagged genetic markers had caused the miscarriage. Mark said they couldn't know for sure, but miscarriages were unfortunately common early in a pregnancy.

Mark expressed his condolences again and left to get a specialist. The devastated couple cried in each other's arms.

Later, Mark was on the phone with someone who comforted him about having to give bad news to a patient. Mark smiled and said the person always knew what to say then promised he'd see them later. Leo caught up with Mark so he could give the doctor his handkerchief back. Having overheard the end of Mark's call, Leo asked if Mark was talking to a friend or a significant other.

Mark confirmed the person on the call was his girlfriend. He told Leo he needed to get back to work. A dejected Leo watched him go.

Paulina entered the hospital room and found Chanel sobbing and a tearful Johnny holding her. She immediately asked what was wrong. Johnny looked up and told Paulina they'd lost the baby.

Paulina gasped and asked what had happened. Chanel grew enraged and yelled, "It happened because of what you did. It's all your fault!" Paulina was stricken, and she withered under the couple's glare.

On the next Days of our Lives...


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