Carly confronts Jason about his sacrifice

General Hospital Recap for Friday, June 28, 2024
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General Hospital Daily Recaps (Friday, June 28, 2024)
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Friday, June 28, 2024

Carly stood near her kitchen island, a troubled look on her face. Jason arrived, and he asked why Carly wanted to see him. "Because I know," Carly softly replied. Carly revealed that she was aware that the FBI had strong-armed Jason into working for them because they had evidence against Carly. "Who told you?" Jason asked. "It doesn't matter," Carly replied. "It does," Jason said. Carly told Jason that it had been Sam.

It wasn't difficult for Jason to figure out that Spinelli had helped Sam. Carly filled in the details about the contents of the recording. Carly asked Jason, "You had a choice: your freedom and your family... or me. Why did you pick me?" Jason told Carly that he had kept her in the dark about his deal with the FBI because he'd known she would dare the FBI to charge her. Jason hadn't realized that he'd be trapped in the deal for so long.

Jason told Carly that he had never thought about bailing on the commitment. Through angry tears, Carly exclaimed, "Of course, you didn't. This is what you do. You always protect me. But this time, I was the target! I deserved to know! And I should have a say in how we handle things." Jason became insistent. "There is no 'we,' Carly. I'm handling it the way I'm handling it," he said. "That's not an option anymore," Carly shot back.

Jason began to shout that he had a job to do, and he was going to do it. Carly was blunt. She asked Jason, "Do you honestly believe that John Cates and the FBI are ever gonna let you go?" Carly told Jason that neither of them had any way to be sure the FBI would ever let them go.

Carly told Jason that she had been exploring other options. She informed Jason that she had talked to Diane about her chances for an acquittal. Carly maintained that the only way to stop the FBI was to call their bluff. Jason got angry. He shouted that if Carly went to prison, everything Jason had done and sacrificed for the past three years would be for nothing. Jason pleaded with Carly, "So, please -- do not throw all of that away!"

Jason bluntly spelled things out for Carly. He told Carly that if she were to be convicted and sent to prison for 20 years, the life Carly had built -- the kids, Bobbie's, the hotel -- would all be gone, and Michael and Josslyn would have to bring Donna for visits until Donna was old enough to visit on her own. "How is Donna gonna feel when you abandon her for me?" Jason asked. "Donna will always know that I love her," Carly exclaimed. "But not enough to stay out of prison for her?" Jason countered. "That's not fair!" Carly insisted. Jason declared, "That's a fact!"

Jason took a breath and said, "Here's another fact: if you go to prison, I will blame myself every day for the rest of my life." Jason pleaded with Carly, "Just stop! Just back off and let me finish what I started." Carly gave in. Jason sighed with relief. Carly said, "You have to follow through with all this. I get it. But what if I can't stand it?"

Carly asked Jason, "What if I can't live with knowing that I'm the reason you haven't had a day of freedom since November 2021?" Jason told her that she didn't have to. He would. Carly said, "Jason, I wouldn't be the person that I am today if it weren't for you. My life wouldn't be what it is if I hadn't met you. So, how do I let the FBI use you, knowing that I had the power to stop it?"

"You just said you were gonna do things my way!" Jason exclaimed. "I know, but I changed my mind," Carly replied. Jason shouted "You can't change your mind, Carly! Not about this. I chose to take the FBI's deal. So, please, I'm asking you -- do not get in the way of it!"

Chase returned to the Quartermaine house after dropping Finn off at rehab. Brook Lynn greeted Chase with a hug. Chase told her that Finn had owned his actions and had apologized for his behavior. Brook Lynn told Chase that Violet had gone to bed. They sat together on the sofa, where Brook Lynn informed Chase of Tracy's opinion that Brook Lynn and Chase should move into the Quartmaine house with Violet.

Chase asked Brook Lynn if Tracy had issued an invitation or a demand. Brook Lynn called it "a strong invitation" but added that "Monica and Olivia signed off on it." Chase and Brook Lynn discussed all their options. Finn's place was out because it was the scene of Gregory's death and Violet's discovery of her passed-out father. Chase and Brook Lynn ruled out their apartment as too small. Chase suggested that they get a bigger place. He wondered where they could find privacy at the Quartermaine house. Brook Lynn described an available two-bedroom suite with a private bath.

Brook Lynn noted that the house had lots of kids running around, so Violet would have companions. Brook Lynn added that with Monica, Olivia, Willow, and Sasha around, Violet would be surrounded by "lots of positive, nurturing maternal energy." "You didn't mention Tracy," Chase observed. Brook Lynn replied, "Neither did she."

Chase stated that the talking points had been Tracy's. He asked his wife if she agreed with them. Brook Lynn conceded that they were good points. Chase told Brook Lynn about the thoughts he'd had while driving home from the rehab facility. Chase had decided that he was capable enough to step up, take care of his family, and provide a proper home for Violet.

Assuming that Chase wanted to take the lead in finding a solution, Brook Lynn began to leave the room in order to find Tracy to tell her that Chase, Brook Lynn, and Violet would be leaving the Quartermaine house. Chase stopped her. Chase told Brook Lynn that once he had returned to the house and had seen Brook Lynn, he'd known he didn't have to face the problems alone.

Brook Lynn listed Chase's best qualities. "You should write this all down for when we renew our vows," Chase joked. Brook Lynn replied, "No, I'll remember it." She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. When the kiss ended, Brook Lynn asked, "So, now that we've said all these things, what do you think of Tracy's idea?"

Brook Lynn assured Chase that he'd become part of her big, loud, meddlesome family and that Chase was stuck with them. Chase was grateful for all the Cerullos, Falconeris, and Quartermaines. They kissed again. Gio walked in. Gio told Chase and Brook Lynn that Violet had heard Gio practicing his violin and had followed the sound, but she had gotten lost trying to find her way back. Gio had helped Violet find her room.

Gio asked if he could practice outside the living room. Brook Lynn asked if it was for Ava's gallery. When Gio confirmed that, Brook Lynn urged Gio, "Play badly." Gio smiled and said, "If only I knew how." Gio left the room. Brook Lynn asked Chase his opinion about the move. Chase asked her to hold that thought while he went upstairs to check on Violet.

By the time Chase returned to the living room, Brook Lynn had dozed off on the sofa. Chase kissed her forehead. Brook Lynn woke and asked about Violet. Chase said that Violet was fine. Chase told Brook Lynn that after having found Violet sleeping peacefully upstairs and having seen Brook Lynn sleeping peacefully on the sofa, Chase was sure that the Quartermaine house was the best place for the three of them to spend the summer. Chase decided that they would start moving their stuff -- and Violet's -- in the morning.

Natalia met Sonny at the Metro Court pool, where, other than an attendant, they were alone. Sonny ordered them each a scotch. He told Natalia that his living situation had changed: Ava had moved out. Without going into detail, Sonny explained to Natalia that Ava was just one of the people whom Sonny had recently discovered to be untrustworthy. Sonny told Natalia that when two people close to him had conspired against him, Sonny had let Ava into his home. Sonny expressed regret at having let Ava in. He described Ava as "a treacherous viper."

Sonny advised Natalia not to cross paths with Ava -- nor underestimate her. "Duly noted," Natalia said. They changed the topic back to betrayal and forgiveness. Natalia admitted that she wasn't sure if she forgave. Natalia added that she could move on, but that she could never forgot. "The Lord wants me to forgive, so I try. What about you?" Natalia asked Sonny. "No," Sonny flatly replied.

Sonny realized that Natalia had thought Sonny had been joking, so he put on a charming smile and told Natalia that he did forgive family, and family did forgive him. Natalia asked Sonny if he thought it was dangerous not to temper anger with mercy. "Sometimes," Sonny said.

Later, as Natalia dipped her feet into the pool, she talked about restless nights when a million thoughts would race through her head. "Does that ever happen to you?" she asked Sonny. "All the time," Sonny replied. Natalia liked Sonny's solution of having reached out to a friend and having a drink in the night air. Sonny proposed a toast: "To finding our friends in the darkness." Natalia chuckled as they tapped their glasses together.

Laura arrived at Ava's room at the Metro Court at Ava's request. Laura had hoped that the meeting concerned Nikolas, but neither woman had heard from Nikolas since he had been transferred away from Pentonville. Laura mentioned that she had been unaware Ava was living at the hotel. Ava explained that she was safer at the hotel than with Sonny.

Laura asked what had happened between Ava and Sonny. Ava played dumb. She claimed to have no idea why Sonny had thrown her out. Ava commented on Sonny's recent erratic behavior. Laura was a bit dubious, but Ava maintained that she was clueless as to why Sonny had turned on her.

Laura remarked that Sonny was not the man she had thought he was. She said that Sonny had recently been giving in to all his worst impulses. Then, Laura's expression changed. Laura said that she had never seen Ava as "the helpless victim." Laura urged Ava to tell her what the fight had really been about.

Ava downplayed events. She told Laura that Kristina had made a "petty accusation" against Ava, and because Kristina was "the apple of Sonny's eye," Ava was out. Ava claimed to have been trying to be "a stabilizing influence" in Sonny's life.

Ava casually mentioned the events at Chase and Brook Lynn's wedding. Laura was unaware, but Ava wasted no time in telling Laura that Sonny had severely beaten a man at the reception, and because Sonny was Sonny, no charges had been filed against him. Laura was stunned. Ava informed Laura that Kristina had witnessed the attack.

Laura thanked Ava for having told her "all this." Ava explained that she thought Laura should know, but the real reason she wanted to talk to Laura was because she thought Sonny had become "unhinged and paranoid." Ava said she was afraid that Sonny would try to overturn their custody agreement and keep Avery to himself. "I cannot allow that!" Ava exclaimed.

Laura asked if Ava wanted her to assist in a custody battle against Sonny. Ava said yes. Ava asked if Laura still considered her to be family. Laura said that she did, because she believed that Ava and Nikolas still loved each other. Laura declared that she still cared for Ava but told Ava not to dare to ever use that care to work Laura. "If there's something that you want from me, you be direct. You ask me," Laura demanded. "Cards on the table," Ava acquiesced.

Ava told Laura about the conversation with Scott wherein Scott had reckoned that if Sonny smeared Ava in court, it could be successful. Ava reiterated that she could not let that happen, because at that moment, Sonny couldn't even take care of himself. Laura agreed with Ava. Ava believed that the best defense would be a good offense. Ava was rounding up character witnesses. Ava asked if she could give Laura's name to Scott as someone who would testify in family court on Ava's behalf.

Laura cited Sonny's recent behavior, and if Avery was to have only one custodial parent, Laura believed it should be Ava. Laura permitted her name to be given to Scott. "Ava, don't make me regret this," Laura warned. Ava, with relief and gratitude, said, "No, I won't. I promise. Your faith and support mean everything." As Laura left, Ava also promised to let Laura know if Ava heard from Nikolas. As Laura turned away, Ava's look of friendliness turned to one of nonchalance, as she casually closed the door.

Ava walked out onto her balcony with a martini. She toasted, "To new beginnings," and took a sip.

Kristina was sitting with Allie on their sofa. Kristina was going over résumés, as she sought someone to run the day-to-day operations at the Corinthos-Davis House, her LGBTQ center project. Allie wondered how Kristina could hand over the reins to someone else. Kristina explained that while she had had the idea for the center, there were more qualified people than she who should run it. Kristina also stated that it would make no sense to go back to work at the center if she'd be leaving again so soon to begin her maternity leave. A puzzled Allie asked, "Maternity leave?"

Allie asked question after question about family leave, its purpose, and timetables. Kristina had an answer for each of them. Finally, Kristina confessed that she didn't want to go back to the center because she didn't know whether Molly and T.J. would stay together or split up. Kristina was concerned that T.J. might one day try to gain full custody of the baby. Kristina explained to Allie that Molly had no biological or legal claim to the baby, but Kristina did. Allie asked, "Are you saying that you would actually try to get custody... for Molly?"

Allie wondered whether Kristina was exploring her options in order to keep the baby in the family or to keep the baby for herself. Kristina admitted that she had sought her mother's guidance and that Kristina had learned about a statute she could use -- "hypothetically" -- if she wanted to pursue custody of the baby. Kristina revealed that she had gone so far as to have drawn up a mock petition that could be filed in court. Kristina asked Allie, "How would you feel about co-parenting?"

Allie felt that while she might want kids someday, with her career on the upswing, it was not a good time for her to be a mom. Kristina admitted that she was not disappointed because it was not the best time for Kristina to raise a child, either. Kristina was steadfast, though. In the eventuality that Molly and T.J. split up, Kristina was determined to ensure that Molly would have access to the baby. Kristina declared, "And the only way to do that is to sue T.J. for custody."

On the next General Hospital...


• Maxie tells Natalia that it's time to get with the program or kick rocks

• "Tell us how you really feel?" an upset Blaze asks

• "I can't risk anybody seeing you come to my door," Ava explains

• "That means there's a target on her back," Sonny says



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