Anna finds incriminating evidence against Valentin

General Hospital Recap for Tuesday, June 25, 2024
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General Hospital Daily Recaps (Tuesday, June 25, 2024)
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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Jason sat outside Valentin's house, in his car. With a frustrated sigh, Jason called Maxie, who was seated at a table in the park, watching her kids play with Spinelli. Jason asked Maxie to call Anna and make sure Anna answered the phone. Maxie was then to call Jason back and let him know what had happened.

Anna was in bed with a sleeping Valentin. Her phone buzzed. Anna answered her phone. Maxie explained that she was calling Anna at Jason's behest. Before Anna could reply, Valentin grabbed Anna's phone and said, "Anna's gonna have to call you back." Valentin hung up and tossed the phone away from the bed. He rolled over, on top of Anna and began to kiss her.

Valentin asked Anna if he was dreaming. Anna assured him that the previous night had actually happened. She told Valentin she was happy to be there with him. Anna told Valentin that she couldn't spend the morning with him. She moved to get out of the bed, but Valentin offered to make them breakfast. Then, Valentin decided that they weren't finished making love, and he kissed Anna again.

Jason called Maxie again. Maxie told Jason that she had informed Anna that Jason had asked Maxie to make the call. Maxie asked Jason what was going on. When Maxie started asking question after question, Jason cut her off and said that he had to go. He hung up on Maxie. Jason received a text from Anna: "I'm fine. V is up. Go before he spots you."

Anna searched more of Valentin's house while he was in the kitchen, making breakfast. Anna found a satellite phone behind some books on a shelf. Anna was able to put everything back where she had found it before Valentin entered with their breakfast plates.

Anna was impressed by the meal Valentin had prepared on short notice. Valentin told Anna that he wanted to spend the rest of his life trying to impress Anna. Anna put her plate down and said, "It's not because I don't want to. I do. It's not because I don't love you. I mean, I think last night answered that question. You have to admit that our lives, they just don't fit together" "They did once," Valentin said. "That's debatable," Anna replied.

Anna confessed that she was unable to imagine a life together with Valentin after what Anna had done to Charlotte. Anna was taken aback when Valentin took her hand and suggested, "Impossible in Port Charles, but maybe not elsewhere."

Valentin confessed that he couldn't give up on the idea that he and Anna would one day find their way back to each other. He asked Anna not to answer but to think about it. Anna agreed to think about it. Valentin walked Anna out. Outside the closed door, Anna took a moment then walked away. Valentin watched her through the window, his face unreadable.

Carly sat at a visitors' table at Pentonville, where she was joined by Jack. Jack was quite happy to see her. Jack told Carly that her visit was the highlight of his day. Carly wanted to make use of Jack's intelligence-agency expertise. "I just don't know if I can trust you," she told Jack. Jack replied, "You can't."

Carly began to leave. Jack clarified his remark. "The only person you can fully rely on is yourself," Jack said. Jack advised Carly to think carefully about whom she confided in and to whom she let herself be vulnerable -- and to calculate risk and reward before she let herself be vulnerable to anyone. Jack told Carly that the only thing he had to gain from Carly confiding in him would be the chance of a return visit.

Carly told Jack that the FBI had evidence against her -- a recording of Carly violating RICO statutes and engaging in criminal conspiracy. Carly explained that she had been protecting her family while Sonny had been presumed dead. Carly told Jack that the FBI was blackmailing Jason in order to keep him working as an informant. Jack asked whether Jason had told Carly all that. Carly explained that a hacker had accessed the FBI database but had been unable to delete the evidence.

Jack asked Carly what she wanted to know from him. "Will the FBI honor their agreement with Jason?" Carly asked Jack. "Not a chance," Jack replied. Jack told Carly that Jason was too valuable to the FBI and that after "this job," they would keep holding things over Jason's head until Jason was "tapped out... or dead." Carly was shocked to realize that the deal the FBI had made with Jason was a lie. Jack admonished Carly, "The government may drop the ball in a myriad of ways... but they never leave charges on the table."

Jack told Carly that time was on her side. He explained that Carly could prepare herself while Jason continued to give the FBI what it wanted. Jack advised Carly to find a good lawyer and prepare a strategy for her inevitable appearance before a jury. Carly thanked Jack for his advice. He invited her to come back, as he had plenty more. Carly nodded and left.

Finn, at his apartment, tried calling Chase. The call went to voicemail. Finn left a message. He pleaded with his brother not to keep him apart from Violet. He asked Chase to call him back. As Finn ended the call, there was a knock at the door. It was Diane.

Diane handed Finn an envelope full of papers. She advised Finn to review them with his lawyer. Finn was confused. Diane explained that one document was an emergency order that granted temporary custody of Violet to Chase. The other document was a restraining order that barred Finn from being within 500 feet of Violet. Finn looked Diane square in the eye and said, "You're helping Chase steal my daughter from me."

Diane assured Finn that the court would not have decreed the orders without good reason. Diane mentioned "photographic evidence," a reference to the photos Tracy had taken while Finn had been passed out and bleeding.

Finn asked Diane why she was trying to tear a family apart. Finn accused Diane of being in it for all the "billable hours with the Quartermaines." Diane took a beat, then relayed a message: "Violet is doing great. She loves you. She misses you. She can't wait 'til you are healthy and she can be with you again. And -- I'd better get this right -- she is waiting to break her own record for holding her breath underwater until you can watch her do it."

Finn began to cry. He told Diane that he was not going to let them all take away his daughter. Diane warned Finn, "Come within 500 feet of Violet, Hamilton, and you will be arrested. Think about what watching that will do to your daughter." Diane turned and left. Finn sat on the sofa, wiped his eyes, took out his phone, and made a call.

A short while later, Scott was at Finn's apartment. Finn showed him the papers Diane had left. Finn told Scott that Chase was trying to steal Violet. Finn spun his version of recent events. He reiterated that he had never had a chance to say goodbye. Finn accused Chase and Brook Lynn of having had their eyes on Violet for a while.

Scott suggested that Finn get help talking to the judge from someone from N.A. or another doctor from the hospital. Finn informed Scott that he had quit his job. Finn accused the hospital of trying to slander him. He told Scott that they could sue the hospital. Finn told Scott to represent him in both cases, and Scott could keep all the money. "All I want is my daughter back, all right? What do you say?" Finn pleaded.

Scott told Finn that he would not take Finn's case. "Well, I don't think you would come across as very sympathetic to a jury," Scott remarked. Scott asked if Finn loved Chase. Finn replied, "Yes." Scott followed that with, "Does your brother love you?" "I'd like to think so," Finn replied. Finn accused Chase of having been manipulated by Tracy into thinking Finn was out of control. Scott got tough with Finn. Scott said, "I can't fix this legally. You have to fix yourself." Scott advised that if Finn would open his eyes, Finn would realize that he was not as alone as he thought he was.

At Sonny's apartment, Sonny called out to Ava. Ava entered and remarked that she hadn't seen too much of him the previous evening or that morning. Sonny informed Ava that she would be seeing even less of him. When Ava asked why, Sonny replied, "You're moving out."

Ava asked where that was coming from, as she had been under the impression she could live there as long as she wanted. Sonny told Ava that things had changed, and he said, "The arrangement no longer works for me. We're over, and that's it. That's all you need to know." Ava tried to stall until she could find a place, but Sonny insisted that Ava would be leaving immediately and that Avery would stay with Sonny until Ava could find a place. Sonny calmly told Ava, "I don't want you in my presence. Hear me now: we are done."

Ava claimed that, after living all together for such a long while, Avery would be hurt and confused if they were to live apart. She asked Sonny to reconsider. Ava asked what had happened to their alliance. "I thought I was the only person you could trust," Ava remarked. "I was wrong," was Sonny's reply.

Sonny asked Ava why she was fighting so hard to stay there. "You have some kind of angle?" Sonny wondered. Sonny asked if Ava was seeking revenge, as she had with Alexis. Ava told Sonny that Alexis had committed perjury and that Ava had followed legal procedure. Ava told Sonny that the affidavit she had signed had been filed properly. Sonny raised his voice. "Who are you to judge? You killed Connie. Maybe I should sign an affidavit against you!"

Sonny brought up the fact that Ava had tampered with Morgan's medication and how Ava's sister had caused Morgan's death. Ava declared that she was truly sorry for what had happened to Morgan. She told Sonny, "I will not stand here and be lectured on morality by you." Ava insisted that Sonny take responsibility for his actions. Ava remarked, "Dante. Kristina. Michael. Morgan. There's only one thing all their troubles have in common: you."

Jason approached Elizabeth at the hospital. He noticed that she looked worried. Elizabeth explained that Finn had gotten worse and that he was spiraling out of control. Jason was glad Violet had a good support system, but he wondered who was looking out for Elizabeth and the boys. Elizabeth said she was okay and that Al-Anon meetings had been helping her to understand what Finn was going through.

Jason asked specifically how Jake was doing. Elizabeth informed Jason that his son didn't seem to be as angry with Jason as he had been. Elizabeth cited the call Jake had made to Jason after Jake had seen Finn with Barb. Jason asked Elizabeth if it was okay for him to try to build a relationship with Jake. Elizabeth explained that Jake was his own person with his own strong opinions. She appreciated that Jason had asked her, but she told Jason, "You don't need my permission to try and build a relationship with him. You need his."

Jason suggested he might get tickets for Jake's favorite baseball team and then invite Jake to the game. Elizabeth informed Jason that, in order to protect her own relationship with their son, she would not tell Jake what to do. She did, however, tell Jason that she hoped Jason would be successful in his efforts -- for Jake's sake and for Jason's.

Later, Jason met Anna at an outdoor café. Anna was a bit upset that Jason had spent the night in his car, watching out for her. Jason maintained that he had wanted to be as close as possible, in case something had gone wrong. Anna asked if, the next time, they could coordinate any surveillance. Anna reminded Jason that Valentin was an expert at surveillance. She was surprised that Valentin hadn't noticed Jason. Jason looked directly at Anna and remarked, "It sounds like he was preoccupied."

Anna told Jason about the satellite phone she had found. Anna assumed Valentin used that phone to conduct business with Pikeman. Jason declared that he and Anna needed to get that phone and give it to John Cates, who could use it to shut down Pikeman and put Valentin away for good.

Jason asked Anna if she would get invited back to Valentin's house. Anna was lost in thought. Jason had to call her name to get her attention. Anna explained that a part of her felt like she was betraying Valentin. She acknowledged, "The job is the job." Anna admitted that it wasn't the first time she'd been forced to hurt someone she loved. Anna declared, "We can't allow Valentin to get away with his crimes. It has to be done. So, I will do it."

Scott met with Elizabeth at the hospital. Scott told Elizabeth that Finn had called Scott over to seek his help. Scott explained that he had tried to convince Finn to get a different kind of help, but he believed he had been unsuccessful. Scott explained that between his experiences with his father, Lee, and Scott's own hard drinking, he knew Finn would have to hit rock bottom before he could turn himself around. "Well, since you were just there with him, do you think he's there yet?" Elizabeth asked. Scott explained that every addict's "rock bottom" was different and that it would be painful for Elizabeth to watch. Scott promised Elizabeth that he would always be there for her and the boys.

Finn sat on his sofa, tightly clutching Violet's white teddy bear. He put the bear down beside him and picked up his phone. Finn called a liquor store and asked them to deliver two handles of vodka. The bottles were delivered, and Finn opened one. He raised the bottle but then paused. Finn caught sight of the legal papers. Defeated, he raised the bottle again, his hand trembling -- but stopped himself. He turned and shouted, "NO!!" as he hurled the bottle at the back wall. Finn grabbed the second bottle and smashed that one, too. Finn scooped up his jacket and left his apartment.

Valentin, speaking on the satellite phone, told someone to proceed with the next shipment through Port Charles, because Sonny would not be a problem. Valentin said, "He's isolated and coming apart at the seams. All it's gonna take to push him over the edge is one last shove."

Ava had packed a bag. She told Sonny that she would send for the rest of her things. Sonny said, "Good. Get out." Ava crossed the threshold and turned." Ava began, "I'll be back for my daugh-" but before she could finish the word, Sonny had already flung the door closed.

On the next General Hospital...


• Maxie tells Natalia that it's time to get with the program or kick rocks

• "Tell us how you really feel?" an upset Blaze asks

• "I can't risk anybody seeing you come to my door," Ava explains

• "That means there's a target on her back," Sonny says



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