Tabitha and Endora were able to see the natural disaster from their magic bowl. Tabitha asked Endora to use her powers to try to prevent the volcano from erupting, but Endora was unable to do so because the demons had cast a spell over the house to prevent Endora from using her powers. Both Tabitha and Endora were helpless, since they were barred in the house by the dark side. Tabitha decided that the best solution was to have someone rescue them, so Endora zapped Eve and Julian to the house.
Endora greeted Julian by calling him "Daddy." Eve was shocked and confused. When Endora spoke about magic and spells, Eve thought that she was hallucinating. Eve checked her breath to make certain that she was not drinking. Julian explained to Eve that Tabitha and Endora were witches, and Eve thought Endora was crazy.
Tabitha suggested to Julian that both she and Julian should focus all their love on Endora in hopes of preventing the disaster. Eve stood in a corner and fantasized about drinking because nothing made sense to her. Tabitha, Julian, and Endora's efforts were in vain. The volcano was still active. Tabitha decided that she needed an extra boost, so she asked Eve to focus on the love for her children. Eve did and joined hands with Tabitha, Endora, and Julian. The love emanating from all four was able to make a difference.
Rebecca told herself that she was glad that Sam's video camera was broken. No one would discover hers and Gwen's secret. As soon as Rebecca uttered those words, Little Ethan informed Sam that he had fixed the video camera. Sam was able to rewind the tape.
Juanita discovered that Gertrude was Theresa and held Theresa at gunpoint. Theresa begged for her life, but Juanita took pleasure in making sure Theresa would suffer. By hoping that Ethan would feel the connection, Theresa prayed and begged for Ethan's help.
In the midst of Ethan and Gwen's ceremony, the church started to shake, and Ethan wondered if it was a sign for him to stop the wedding. Gwen and Rebecca tried to get reassurance from Ethan to make sure that he was not backing out. As Ethan was about to focus on the recommitment ceremony, he heard Theresa's voice. Theresa's voice stated that she was alive and that Ethan had to help her. Ethan began saying Theresa's name. Gwen begged Ethan not to back out on her. Ivy saw the commotion and rushed up to Ethan and told him that he had made a promise to Gwen and that Theresa was just a ghost.
The ceremony resumed. Gwen asked Father Lonigan to speed up the ceremony, and she got her wish. Both Gwen and Ethan were recommitted. Pilar was disappointed because she'd thought there was nothing that could stop Ethan from leaving Gwen. Shortly afterwards, Little Ethan was playing with Sam's camera, and he overheard Gwen and Rebecca on the tape.
Back in the basement, a gun went off, and Theresa screamed. Pilar and Father Lonigan questioned the screaming. Meanwhile, Ethan heard Theresa's voice begging him for help. Ethan remarked that something was wrong with Theresa, and Gwen looked on in astonishment. Gwen begged Ethan not to leave her at the altar, but Ethan insisted on going to the basement to check out the screams.
Juanita was in agony because the gun had exploded in her hands. She begged Theresa to help her, but Theresa wanted instructions on disarming the bomb before even thinking of helping Juanita. Juanita got up and ran over to the bomb. She reset the timer and informed Theresa that everyone would perish. Juanita managed to corner Theresa, knocked Theresa unconscious, and then handcuffed Theresa and left her to die in the bomb explosion.
Theresa pretended to be dead. Juanita heard footsteps, and tried to make a run for it. Theresa told Luis, Ethan, and Miguel, who were at the door, not to let Juanita get out of the room. Ethan saw Theresa and ran over to aid her. Theresa mentioned the bomb to Ethan, but Ethan was so happy to see Theresa that he kissed her while ignoring that there was a bomb.
Ivy made an observation that Theresa was wearing Gertrude's clothing, and Pilar confirmed that Gertrude had been Theresa all along. Paloma also stepped forward to admit that she had known that Theresa was alive but had needed to keep it a secret to prevent Juanita from killing Theresa.
Gwen sadly complained to Rebecca that Ethan had found out that Theresa was alive and was kissing Theresa. Rebecca asked Gwen for Gwen's cell phone to call Juanita so that Juanita could kill Theresa.
Luis finally recognized Juanita in disguise and mentioned her name. Everyone, including Pilar and Sam, turned their attention to Juanita. Sam placed Juanita under arrest.
Theresa managed to get everyone's attention on the bomb. Ethan grabbed it to try to disarm it. Juanita exclaimed that the bomb could not be disarmed. The best solution was to leave the building. Gwen suggested to Rebecca that they should leave. Rebecca tried to leave, but Father Lonigan stopped her from leaving.
Theresa was handcuffed to the wall, so she begged Ethan and the others to leave. Gwen went over to tell Ethan that they should leave, and Ethan refused to leave without taking Theresa with him. Everyone else decided to stay behind and help in any way they could, except for Rebecca, who left.
Upstairs in the church, Little Ethan was still messing with Sam's camera. Rebecca informed Little Ethan that there was a bomb and that they should leave. Little Ethan refused to leave without the camera, but he left on Rebecca's insistence.
Downstairs in the basement, Ethan proceeded to see if he could defuse the bomb, and he was able to do so. After defusing the bomb, Ethan ran over to Theresa and kissed her passionately. Gwen looked on in disappointment. Gwen saw how close Ethan and Theresa were getting, so Gwen informed Theresa that Ethan had promised that if he recommitted to Gwen, Ethan would not leave her.
Ethan tried to get out of it, but Gwen reminded Ethan that he had taken vows in front of Father Lonigan. Ethan begged Gwen not to keep him bound to her, but Gwen insisted. Theresa begged Ethan not to give up on their love, since they had been through so much together.
Upstairs in the church, both Rebecca and Little Ethan realized that the bomb had not gone off. Little Ethan took the opportunity to retrieve the video camera. Rebecca realized that Little Ethan was about to hear what was on the tape, so she fought Little Ethan to get the video camera away from him.
Luis was overjoyed to see Theresa and hugged her. Theresa then complained that she was not able to be with Ethan because he had made vows to Gwen. Ethan stood his ground and repeated that he'd made vows to Gwen. Sheridan begged Gwen to give it up. Antonio chimed in and said to Gwen that Ethan did not love her, and Gwen asked Antonio to stay out of it. Juanita gloated and stated that she loved seeing Theresa in pain, knowing that Theresa was not able to be with the man she loved.
Upstairs in the church, Rebecca fought Little Ethan for the video camera that had her and Gwen's secrets. The church started to shake, so Rebecca let go of the video camera. After the church was settled, Rebecca proceeded to take the camera from Little Ethan, but Little Ethan tricked Rebecca and ran away with the camera.
Theresa begged Ethan not to deny his love for her, but Ethan reminded Theresa that he had made vows and could not break them. Theresa realized that she had to play hardball, so she told Ethan that Gwen had been lying to him all those years. Moreover, it was Gwen and Rebecca who had exposed Ethan's paternity to the tabloid. Gwen asked Theresa to show proof, but Theresa had no proof, and Ethan refused to hear it.
Upstairs in the church, Rebecca continued to chase Little Ethan for the video camera. Little Ethan was able to hear a portion of the tape. It stated that Rebecca and Gwen were keeping a secret. Rebecca pretended that it was something silly and embarrassing. Little Ethan showed some pity on Rebecca.
Rebecca grabbed the video camera from Little Ethan and refused to give it back. The camera fell on the floor, and Rebecca thought it was broken again, so she ignored it. Little Ethan quickly grabbed the camera from the floor.
In the basement, Theresa remembered that Gwen was the cause of Juanita's reign of terror in Harmony. Theresa told Ethan that Gwen had been threatening her for months by using Juanita to keep Theresa away from Ethan. Ethan refused to believe Theresa. Theresa was desperate, so she asked Juanita to back up her story. Juanita laughed in Theresa's face.
Gwen made the mistake of calling Juanita a crazed murderer, so Juanita admitted that she had spoken to Gwen. Theresa got her hopes up, but her hopes were dashed when Juanita admitted that she had only spoken to Gwen as a nun. Gwen told Theresa that since she did not have any proof, Ethan would not believe her. Theresa was desperate, so she decided to tell Ethan the truth about Little Ethan. Theresa admitted that Little Ethan was Ethan's biological son.
Ethan asked Theresa why she'd kept the truth from him, and Theresa and everyone else told Ethan that Theresa had tried telling him the truth, but he'd refused to believe what was in front of him. Ethan hugged Theresa and said that he forgave her for everything. Gwen mumbled to herself that she would not let Ethan go. Theresa stated that she and Ethan were going to be a family, and Gwen said that she and Ethan already had Jonathan. Gwen claimed that Theresa had no proof that Gwen had lied to Ethan, so she had no basis for stating that Gwen was lying.
Little Ethan managed to get away from Rebecca and ran to the basement. He screamed at the top of his lungs, demanding everyone see what was on the video camera. Both Gwen and Rebecca were nervous. Gwen tried to convince Ethan to leave with her to go on their honeymoon, but Theresa insisted that everyone should see what was on the camera. Rebecca grabbed the camera from Little Ethan, and Theresa asked what Rebecca was doing.
The church started to shake. Ethan grabbed the video camera from Rebecca because he wanted to know what was on the tape. Ethan hugged Little Ethan and called him "son." Little Ethan was overjoyed that Theresa had told Ethan the truth. Gwen and Rebecca used the distraction to try to make a run for it, but Ethan stopped them before they could leave.
Back at Tabitha's house, Endora realized that more love was needed to stop the volcano in its tracks, so Endora conjured up Norma and Edna. Endora claimed that their love was the truest love in Harmony. Not even Norma and Edna's love was strong enough. Despite Tabitha's warnings about Kay's unstable powers, Endora decided to zap Kay and Miguel to the house because Kay's powers were strong.
The volcano started to erupt in the magic bowl, but a force field halted it. Tabitha begged Kay to use her powers, since the force field was only temporary. Both Endora and Kay joined forces. They were able to zap Tabitha, Eve, Julian, and Miguel out of Tabitha's house before the volcano erupted. Tabitha feared that Endora and Kay had died in the explosion, but they eventually resurfaced. Kay and Endora stated that it was Timmy who had told them how to save Harmony.
Gwen tried to convince Ethan not to watch the tape and instead go on their honeymoon. Theresa was interested in what was on the tape and believed there was proof on the tape that Gwen and Rebecca had schemed and lied behind Ethan's back. Rebecca told Gwen to go home with her and wait for Gwen's husband to show up and apologize for doubting Gwen. Ethan told Gwen and Rebecca they weren't going anywhere, and he asked Little Ethan if Little Ethan was sure that there was incriminating evidence against Gwen and Rebecca on the tape. Little Ethan said he'd heard Gwen say Ethan could never know all the horrible things Gwen and Rebecca had done.
Gwen insisted there was nothing on the tape, but Little Ethan said there was, and he'd heard Gwen's voice. Rebecca accused Little Ethan of lying just like his mother, and Ethan defended Little Ethan, saying that was Ethan's son Rebecca was talking about. Gwen told Ethan to trust her when she said there was no reason to watch the tape. Luis asked Gwen why she looked so scared, and Antonio chimed in, saying Gwen looked petrified, and Rebecca didn't look any better. Theresa asked Gwen why, if there was nothing on the tape, Gwen was trying so hard to keep Ethan from seeing it. Gwen asked Ethan if they could just go, but Ethan said he wanted to see the tape, and Gwen shouldn't have a problem with it, since Gwen said there was nothing on the tape anyway.
Kay and Endora returned from heaven after learning what they needed to do to save Harmony. Tabitha couldn't understand how they could go to heaven. Tabitha wanted to know about Timmy then Endora appeared in the form of her child self. Endora said her trip to heaven gave her control over her powers.
Eve saw Endora speaking in bubbles and decided to seek out some wine, but Julian stopped her. Eve was angry at Julian for lying to her about Endora and Tabitha being witches, and Julian said he only knew some of it, and that Eve and Julian could face anything together. Kay said Timmy had told them how to stop the volcano and save Harmony. Eve and Julian looked out the church window and saw that the volcano was on the verge of spilling all over town and urged Kay and Endora to hurry.
Julian worried that the lava would hit them soon and asked Kay how quickly her plan to save them would work. Kay said with luck it would be fast. That wasn't good enough for Eve. She wanted them to contact everyone and start an evacuation, but Kay said there wasn't enough time for that, and if anyone tried to run, the lava would track them down and bury them. Tabitha was tickled at the thought that Norma and Edna would be swallowed up by the lava, since they had run off like cowards.
No one in Harmony knew about Mt. Harmony erupting, Tabitha said, because the dark side blocked off all methods of communication, and if they tried to evacuate the town, people would think they were crazy. Some people already did, Eve thought. Miguel begged Kay to tell them what they needed to do to save the town. Kay explained that Tabitha had to do something to save Harmony. Tabitha wondered what she had to do that involved instructions from heaven.
Tabitha didn't have her powers anymore, so she wondered what she had to do with saving Harmony, and Kay told her she had greater powers than she thought. Endora warned Tabitha not to blow a gasket when Tabitha found out what she had to do. Esme walked into the chapel with a bottle and glass in her hand, drunk and stumbling. She realized she was too late for the wedding but was glad she'd remembered the right day. Esme said hi to Tabitha, calling her Esme's favorite ex-witch.
Esme wondered where Father Lonigan was, so she could confess her sins. Before she wandered off to find Father Lonigan, she asked why there was lava running down the street into the ocean, and Julian realized the lava was closer than they'd thought. Kay told Tabitha that in order to save Harmony, Tabitha had to get baptized. Tabitha said there was no way she would get baptized and become part of the wrong side. Kay said God and heaven were the right side, and it was the only way to save Harmony. Harmony was surely doomed, Tabitha said, because she would never get baptized. Kay showed Tabitha where the lava was and said Harmony would become hell on earth if Tabitha didn't cooperate.
Little Ethan tried to cue up the tape to where he'd heard Gwen and Rebecca talking, while Gwen and Rebecca squirmed in the corner. Sam said Gwen and Rebecca looked like they were facing a firing squad, and Ivy was worried about Ethan. Little Ethan suggested hooking up the camera to the television so everyone could see and hear every word. Fancy whispered to Sheridan that if Gwen had lied and schemed her way into Ethan's arms like Theresa said she had, Ethan would feel justified to leave Gwen for Theresa. Sheridan remarked that either way, someone was going to get hurt, and Fancy said someone who deserved it was going to get punished. As they waited for the tape to play, Theresa told Ethan she hoped it was the miracle she was hoping for that would lead to them being together.
The tape began, and everyone saw Gwen and Rebecca in the rectory. Gwen was heard saying Ethan could never ever found out what she and Rebecca had done. Theresa was gloating that she and Ethan would finally be together because they had proof of Gwen's misdeeds. Sam realized that he had left the camera in the rectory because he had planned to delete some footage to make room on the tape for Gwen and Ethan's wedding. The tape had to have been running the whole time, Sam said.
Theresa realized that Gwen and Rebecca were scared because they'd destroyed all the evidence of their crimes, but they'd confessed it all on tape. Little Ethan played the tape, but the audio wasn't working. Gwen realized that she would get away with everything, and she asked Ethan to leave for their honeymoon. Theresa wasn't giving up, and she asked Gwen to explain why she'd mentioned Ethan never finding out what they'd done. Gwen said it was nothing, but Ethan wanted to know what she was referring to.
Gwen said she'd hidden the details of their honeymoon, especially how much she'd splurged on it. Gwen said she knew Ethan would never go along with it, so she'd booked the trip with some of Rebecca's money. Rebecca played along, but Theresa told Ethan not to believe Gwen. Gwen asked Ethan again to just go on their honeymoon. Theresa begged Ethan to wait to see what was on the tape.
Meanwhile, Esme stumbled in looking for Father Lonigan. She walked past the TV, accidentally knocking down the video camera in the process and breaking it. Theresa was distraught that she was so close to proving Gwen's misdeeds, and Fancy made Esme apologize. Rebecca said fate didn't want Theresa to see the tape after all. Theresa was determined to get the camera fixed, but Gwen told Theresa to give up because Ethan was not going to be with Theresa.
Ethan told Theresa there didn't seem to be anything on the tape, anyway, and Gwen credited Esme with ending Theresa's fantasy. One swig of wine, and Esme felt better for ruining the camera. Little Ethan tried to fix the tape, while Ethan consoled Theresa. Theresa said God would not do that to them.
Kay begged Tabitha to get baptized and save Harmony, explaining the urgency of the situation, but Tabitha said she had always been a dark side witch. If she got baptized, Tabitha said, she would be a traitor to the dark side. Julian said it was time for Tabitha to give back, and Endora told Tabitha that Julian was wrong. Julian explained that when a person got baptized, they didn't give anything away. Kay said a person got something when they were baptized -- the greatest gift possible.
Tabitha wondered what gift could make her give up on everything she believed in, and Miguel said it was eternal life. Kay explained that eternal life wasn't like living for centuries while causing evil to humankind like Tabitha had done. Kay described eternal life as a joyful existence in heaven, but Tabitha still wasn't interested. Kay said Timmy was in heaven, and he missed Tabitha and was scared that if Tabitha weren't baptized, she would miss out on all that. While it sounded tempting to get baptized just to see Timmy, Tabitha said that in order to go to heaven, Tabitha would have to die, and that meant leaving Endora, and Tabitha could not choose between her daughter and Timmy.
Miguel explained that Tabitha would leave her mortal body behind, but she would never die. She would go to heaven and continue to watch over Endora, preferably in Harmony, as long as the volcano didn't destroy it, he said. Tabitha was wise to Miguel, Kay, and Julian's pleas. They just wanted to save themselves, Tabitha complained. Julian said of course they wanted to save themselves, but Tabitha would be saved, as well.
Tabitha told Julian she didn't take advice from him or any of the Cranes. Eve told Tabitha that Julian had changed. Tabitha wasn't convinced, but Julian said he realized the horrible history Tabitha had with the Cranes, and he wanted to use his wealth and power to do good. Eve backed Julian up. If Julian could change, Tabitha could, Eve said.
Tabitha said she had been created in evil, and she planned to stay that way. Kay pointed out that when Timmy entered her life, Tabitha had discovered love and then Tabitha had had Endora. Tabitha felt it was wrong for her to wallow in love and all those warm and cozy feelings, but Kay said it wasn't wrong. Tabitha had offered Kay a real friendship, Kay said. Kay didn't know any evil witch who had friends or who would sacrifice her powers for her neighbors and friends.
Tabitha reminded Kay that she was forced into helping her neighbors and friends. Kay said it was the last chance for Tabitha to accept goodness into Tabitha's heart, but Tabitha said witches didn't have hearts. Endora said Tabitha was wrong about that, and Endora used her magic to conjure up a megaphone. Kay put the megaphone up to Tabitha's chest, and they heard a heartbeat.
Gwen told Ethan it was time they left and started their new life together. Theresa was determined to fix the video camera, but Little Ethan volunteered to fix it. Theresa accepted that the tape was broken beyond repair, and Little Ethan said he was sorry he'd let Theresa down. Theresa told him he had not let her down, and Ethan told Little Ethan he had done everything he could do. Luis suggested they take the tape to the Harmony police crime lab to retrieve the footage.
Gwen said the camera proved nothing. Pilar called Gwen a scheming bitch. Theresa was the one that had schemed to get Ethan in the first place, Gwen pointed out, and fate had finally corrected things so that Gwen and Ethan could be together. While Ethan consoled Theresa, Sheridan said she felt sorry for Theresa. Gwen heard her and got upset, because she'd thought Sheridan was on her side.
Sheridan said she hoped she and Gwen would always be friends, and she asked Gwen if she really wanted to spend the rest of her life with a man who was desperately in love with another woman. Gwen reminded Sheridan that they'd once vowed to do everything they could to get the men they loved, and Gwen told Sheridan not to get holier-than-thou just because Sheridan had decided to settle for second best. Sheridan corrected Gwen, saying she was with the man she was fated to be with, and Gwen was making a fool of herself if she thought Ethan would ever look at Gwen that way.
Ivy asked if Ethan was all right, and he said he hoped he would be. Ivy told Sam it was wrong that Ethan was hurting. Theresa apologized for ruining her siblings' wedding day. Fancy told Theresa she wasn't ruining their day. Ethan asked to have a moment alone with Theresa.
Rebecca told Gwen to go nip that in the bud, and Gwen said she wanted to let Ethan get it out of his system. Ethan told Theresa he didn't like to see her cry, and Theresa said he wouldn't have to anymore. Ethan said it wasn't fair because he had just gotten her back, and he was losing her all over again. Theresa professed her love, but she was at a loss for words because her dreams had just died.
Tabitha was shocked to hear her own heartbeat. Goodness and love had made Tabitha human, Kay said. Miguel told Tabitha not to reject the human condition but to embrace it with all its gifts. They tried to convince Tabitha again to get baptized, and Endora asked Tabitha as well. If Tabitha got baptized, she would be with Endora forever, Endora said. Kay told Tabitha that Tabitha getting baptized was Endora's dream, and Endora confirmed it. Tabitha agreed to get baptized for Endora.
Theresa asked Ethan if there was any hope for them, and Ethan didn't see how there was any hope for the two of them. If it was the last time Theresa and Ethan would be together, Theresa said she didn't want to spend it talking about Gwen. Theresa said when she had been in Mexico and had thought she was going to die, she'd thought about one day being with Ethan, and it had given her the strength to go on.
Theresa blamed herself for wasting time, saying she should have gone straight to Ethan the minute she'd learned he was Sam Bennett's son. Ethan said Theresa had thought she'd done the right thing, and everything Theresa had done for Ethan was because she loved him, and that was not a crime. Theresa pledged that she would always love Ethan. No matter where Theresa was, their hearts would be one, Ethan said.
Rebecca pushed Gwen to end Ethan and Theresa's "lovefest," and Gwen reminded Ethan that they had a plane to catch. Ivy stepped up to Gwen, telling Gwen to leave Ethan alone, and Gwen got irritated that Ivy was siding with Theresa. Ivy said she wanted Ethan to be happy, and she challenged Gwen to prove she could make Ethan as happy as Theresa made him.
Gwen was adamant that she could make Ethan happy, and she stepped in between Theresa and Ethan, telling them she'd had enough. She ordered Theresa to stay away from her husband, telling Ethan they had a honeymoon to go on. Gwen told Theresa she was embarrassing herself, because Ethan was Gwen's husband. Theresa said Ethan wanted to be with her. Gwen grabbed Ethan and headed for the door. Then she stopped and told everyone she loved Ethan, they were married, and she deserved to be happy, too.
Pilar said Gwen may have said the words, but Gwen and Ethan's marriage was a joke. Gwen accused Pilar and her family of being bad Catholics because they wanted Ethan to turn his back on his marriage to please Theresa. Esme called Gwen a bitch, and Gwen denied being a bitch. Gwen said she'd finally won, and Ethan was her husband. Ethan told Gwen she was embarrassing herself, and Theresa begged Ethan not to leave.
Kay and Miguel hugged and kissed Tabitha, grateful that Tabitha had agreed to get baptized. Kay wanted to hurry before Tabitha changed her mind, and she decided to zap Father Lonigan up to the chapel. Instead, she accidentally zapped Esme upstairs. Esme was grateful to be rescued from the dreary happenings in the basement. The lava, meanwhile, was right outside the building.
Theresa ran into Ethan's arms, declaring that she couldn't live without him. Ethan explained that Gwen was his wife, and he had to stay with her. Then suddenly, Gwen was horrified to hear her voice, confessing that she and Rebecca had revealed Ethan's true paternity to the tabloids. Sam was holding the video camera and announced that Little Ethan had fixed the camera. Gwen grabbed Ethan's arm and tried to drag him out of the room, but Ethan stopped her, called Gwen a bitch, and told her not to touch him. Everyone gawked.
Kay zapped Father Lonigan upstairs to the church sanctuary after her first attempt delivered Esme. Kay asked Father Lonigan to baptize Tabitha, but he refused, saying he'd known all along that Tabitha was a witch, because Alistair had told him. Eve, Kay, and Julian tried to convince Father Lonigan that if he didn't baptize Tabitha soon, all of Harmony would be destroyed. Father Lonigan didn't believe them at first, because he hadn't heard anything about a volcano from Chief Sam Bennett or his men when Father Lonigan had been downstairs.
Tabitha decided to leave, but Father Lonigan changed his mind upon hearing that Tabitha had embraced goodness by sacrificing her evil powers to save everyone who had been poisoned at the rehearsal dinner. He apologized to Tabitha, and Tabitha accepted his apology, but he said he couldn't baptize her without hearing her confession first. Tabitha thought that would take too long.
Theresa begged Ethan not to leave her and run off with Gwen, but he was convinced he had to do the right thing and stay true to his marriage vows. Then, everyone heard the videotaped confession of Gwen admitting that she had revealed Ethan's true paternity to the tabloids. Ethan called Gwen an evil bitch. Gwen tried to talk her way out of it, saying that Little Ethan had to have doctored the tape, making it look like she'd said those things. Ethan didn't believe her, choosing to believe his son instead.
Theresa was overjoyed, and everyone congratulated Theresa. Even Ivy apologized to Theresa for believing Gwen and Rebecca over her for years. It was obvious to Ivy that Theresa loved Ethan, Ivy said, and Ivy welcomed Theresa to the family. Ethan told Gwen that he didn't want Gwen raising his son, Jonathan, and he wanted Theresa to raise his son instead. Gwen refused to accept that Ethan chose Theresa over her. Gwen accused Theresa of lying and putting Theresa's needs over those of Ethan and Little Ethan.
Theresa stated that she'd let Little Ethan donate part of his liver to Jonathan, and she defended herself against all of Gwen's accusations. After hearing Gwen and Theresa's exchange, Sam and Luis arrested Gwen and Rebecca for bribery, blackmail, and being accessories to the murders of Pilar's sister and nephews. Rebecca resisted at first then acquiesced with the request that a handsome officer could strip-search her. Gwen told Sam he couldn't arrest her for murders that had happened in Mexico because it was outside his jurisdiction, and Sam suggested he detain Gwen until the district attorney reviewed Gwen's involvement with Juanita and her plot to blow up the church. Ethan told Gwen that was the reason he had chosen Theresa.
Father Lonigan admitted that it was the usual course for priests to hear the confessions after the baptism, but he said he felt he needed to make an exception for Tabitha and hear her confession first. Tabitha agreed to confess her sins, and Endora fast-forwarded time to save time. Father Lonigan's ears were steaming after hearing all that Tabitha had done. Everyone went upstairs and filled Eve and company in on how Theresa and Ethan were back together. Julian told them that if Tabitha wasn't baptized fast, no one would live their lives out happily in Harmony, and Eve told them about Mt. Harmony erupting and threatening the town.
The earth shook, and Kay figured it was the dark side trying to keep Tabitha from being baptized. Fancy and Paloma couldn't believe Kay, and Julian promised to explain later. He asked Endora to use her magic and make it so Tabitha could get baptized. Endora's magic stopped the ground from shaking, and Father Lonigan baptized Tabitha. The lava from the volcano still seemed to be flowing, and Kay figured the baptism needed time to work. While they were waiting, Esme and Kay filled everyone in on what had happened with Tabitha and Endora. The volcano seemed to quiet, and Julian remarked on how the baptism seemed to save them. He said Timmy had been right.
A glow suddenly shone over Tabitha from above, and she raised her hands to the sky. Everyone stood and looked up as the glow enveloped them too. Tabitha thanked Timmy and embraced goodness. Tabitha said there was only good in Harmony -- no more demons or evil. Julian announced that from that point on, Crane Industries would only do good, and Endora was his inspiration.
Ivy needed a drink, and Esme said she was way ahead of her. Rebecca and Gwen were suddenly zapped into polyester gray prison garb, punishment, it seemed, for their misdeeds. Rebecca remembered how she had taken Gwen to Las Vegas once to help her get over Ethan. Gwen had married some guy she'd met, and Gwen thought that had been a dream. It seemed that Gwen was married and had never gotten divorced from the guy. Ethan realized that if Gwen was married and had never gotten a divorce, he didn't need an annulment, and he and Theresa could get married. Theresa asked Kay to "hocus pocus" Gwen and Rebecca off so Theresa and Ethan could get married.
Father Lonigan agreed to marry Ethan and Theresa, and before he could perform the ceremony, Endora healed Father Lonigan's eyes and made him see again. He said they looked as he imagined they would. Tabitha hadn't aged a bit, he said. Kay zapped Theresa and Ethan into wedding attire, and Sam said having a witch in the family would be fun. Miguel agreed, and Tabitha thought it was better late than never. Endora said things were perfect, and Tabitha said it would have been perfect if Timmy were there. Then Tabitha looked down, and Timmy appeared next to her and took her hand.
Theresa walked down the aisle, and while they were watching her, Fancy told Luis that Fancy was pregnant. Luis was excited. Sheridan told Antonio that would be them some day, and Sheridan couldn't wait to have children with Antonio. Noah told Paloma at least they were waiting to have children until they were more financially viable. Paloma said that had been the plan, and she admitted that she was pregnant. She wondered if Noah was angry, but he was ecstatic.
Kay volunteered to fix Julian's penis, and Eve and Julian said they would be grateful to Kay if she could. Kay grabbed Julian's hand and performed her magic, and Julian felt that his penis was "in good standing again." Tabitha said Timmy was right, and God's love was heavenly.
At the altar, Theresa asked Ethan if they were really getting married or if it was their fantasies played out as reality. The music stopped, and they paused, but Ethan told her it was reality. Theresa felt like something would happen to stop them before they could get married, and suddenly, Gwen and Rebecca were back. Rebecca was wondering why they couldn't have a happy ending, too. An officer stopped them and said they were too late.
Father Lonigan said if they were sincere about being good, they would get their happy ending, too. A donkey was heard, and Rebecca said that was her happy ending, but Gwen wondered about hers. The officer asked Gwen out for when she got out on bail. Theresa thought that was their last interruption, and Esme asked for help, saying she was out of booze and on the brink of sobriety. She told Theresa and Ethan to hurry up and get married so they could start the reception.
Ethan said his marriage vows to Theresa, and she said hers to him. They were pronounced husband and wife. They kissed, and everyone applauded. Theresa said she'd learned after all the years to always follow your passion because that would lead you to your happy ending. Balloons and confetti fell as the theme song played and everyone cheered. Tabitha held a picture of Timmy. The whole cast and crew were in the church applauding as Timmy was heard singing.
This episode marks the final episode of Passions.